My Journey Through Makeup
My journey through makeup starts at the age of 5. I know, kind of young but here’s the back story. When I was 5 and started kindergarten, I joined a competitive dance team. During performances and competitions, you would have to wear stage makeup. This is my earliest memory of me having makeup on my face.
When I was around 6th grade, I began to watch YouTube videos of competitive dancers and what they liked to pack for dance competitions. Those videos lead me to the beauty side of YouTube. I remember watching Ingrid Nielson, Jaclyn Hill, MakeupByAli, and a few others. Watching them apply makeup intrigued me which led to my current day obsession.
Using my competition makeup and makeup that I got in sets from Walmart for Christmas, I would try to follow tutorials and just play with it myself. I tried multiple times to create my own YouTube channel but got embarrassed if anyone knew about it. I would create videos, upload some and delete others.
As I have grown, I have created a larger collection of makeup than the average person. When I would get an allowance, I would browse the makeup aisles of the store and pick out something to try rather that be something I had heard about or just simply intrigued me. Another way I would acquire makeup is by asking for specific products or gift cards for Christmas and my birthday. Once I got a paying job, I would buy even more makeup. It started small with an eyeshadow palette from Walmart to a lipstick at Target which then grew to shopping sprees at Sephora and Ulta.
I believe my addiction to buying makeup also stems from my addiction to spending money. Rather I’m spending $0.25 or $25.00, I get a thrill. Makeup is what I go back to when I want to spend money.
Growing up, I was bullied. I felt like I couldn’t express myself at school or in my neighborhood but when it came to dance, that is where I shined. I loved to express myself through creativity through dance and eventually makeup. My addiction to spending and outlet of expressing myself through creativity is where I believe my love of makeup grew.
Sitting and playing with makeup gives me a sense of peace. I know that when I finish a look, I know that I have taken time for myself and had some fun.
In 2016, I started creating elaborate Halloween looks. As a kid, it would just be easy costumes but as I got older, I started to incorporate the artistry of makeup into my looks. Each year I try to out-do myself by going bigger and better. I learned how to use Adobe Photoshop in high-school and have created multiple looks with just me, makeup, and Adobe Photoshop.
Makeup will always be a self-expressing and self-discovery journey for myself. I hope to one day never lose the thrill and joy makeup gives me and maybe even dabble into the chemistry behind it all. I would love to either create my own lab or visit a lab to see how it is all made.
That’s my journey with makeup. Let me know your journey with makeup and/or beauty in general. Everyone starts somewhere. Whether it be like me, and you start with a sport spiking your interest or watching a role model apply beauty products and your fascination with that process.
Stay tuned for another part to my journey with makeup. “Why Makeup Is My Therapy.”